Created by David Arnold (James Bond films, Independence Day, Sherlock) this show gave the audience a musical snapshot of the Royal Albert Hall’s unique history. The new ten-movement work, titled 'A Circle of Sound' was a sonic journey through the first 150 years of the iconic concert hall.
Special guests included Melanie C, Michael Sheen, Nicola Adams, Brian Cox, Claudia Winkleman, Jess Gillam, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Charles Dance, LionHeart, Eden Tikare, Jemma Redgrave and Helen Pankhurst who joined David on stage to present readings about each movement.
Creative agency People – who produced the show and visuals for the 2019 Special Olympics Opening and Closing Ceremonies – and film production house White Stone Media brought the show to life on the big screen.
Local choirs, schools, and other community groups worked with David for over a year to compose the new piece. They also took to the stage to show the importance of community after a year of turmoil, supported by the Albert’s Orchestra and the National Youth Choir of Great Britain.