8-part Netflix series which follows career diplomat Kate Wyler (played by Keri Russell) who is appointed US Ambassador to the UK - a position she doesn't want - in the midst of an international crisis. All this is set against the backdrop of her turbulent marriage to another diplomat Hal Wyler (played by Rufus Sewell), a former political star who struggles with his own lack of a posting, particularly in light of his wife's new high profile position.
T'Nia Miller plays Cecilia Dennison, the sister of Austin Dennison (David Gyasi), the UK foreign secretary, who often disagrees with the the Prime Minister and becomes an ally to the new ambassador. Rory Kinnear also starred as Nicol Trowbridge, the volatile Prime Minister.
The show comes from the creators of smash hit political thriller series The West Wing and Homeland. Second series has been commissioned.