The 3 part crime drama tells the true story of the victims of the serial killer Stephen Port, a loner who killed 4 young men having met them on Grindr in Barking, East London between 2014-2015. The show portrays how their families and friends worked tirelessly to find out what happened to them. Sheridan Smith stars as Sarah Sak, the mother of one of the victims. Stephen Merchant will play killer Stephen Port.
The impressive cast also includes Samuel Barnett as Ryan Edwards, who lived next door to the killer, Daniel Ryan as Adam Whitworth, father of one of the victims and Milo Twomey as the Met police officer who interrogates Steven Port and eventually gets him to crack.
The series will premiere on BBC One & iPlayer on Monday 3rd January 2022, with the next two episodes showing on the following two nights.
The series was filmed in 2019 and had been due for release in 2020 but was delayed due to inquests.
Watch the trailer here.
Samuel Barnett, Daniel Ryan and Milo Twomey are all available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents. Click on their images for their profile pages and voiceover showreels.