Major new ITV drama series 'Playing Nice' premieres on Sunday 5th January and stars James Norton and Niamh Algar as a couple who discover their toddler was switched at birth. Both couples involved initially agree to keep the child they have raised, however when events take a sinister twist a tense custody battle ensues. The 4-part psychological thriller is set in Cornwall and is based on the book by J.P. Delaney.
Doctor Who star Michelle Greenidge plays Rhoda Verran in the second episode which will be shown on ITV at 9pm on Monday 6th January.
The series will run on Sunday and Monday nights at 9pm across 2 weeks, and all 4 episodes will also be available on ITVX.
Michelle Greenidge is available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents. Click her image for her profile page and voiceover showreel.