A Matter of Life and Death - Credits

Radio 4 adaptation of the classic 1946 WWII romantic-fantasy film, known as one of the classic World War II movies of all time. 

It tells the story of Peter, a World War II bomber pilot who survives a plane crash, when he should have died.  When the heavenly authorities realise their error they intervene, telling him to accept his death and cross over to the afterlife.  Lydia West stars in the audio drama as June, a radio operator who Peter meets when he wakes up after the crash and falls in love with, prompting him to appeal the decision that he must die. 

Geoff McGivern plays neurologist Dr Frank Reeves who diagnoses him with a brain injury, but who is then killed in a motorbike crash, allowing him to act as counsel for Peter in the celestial court. 

Voiceover Artists