Clybourne Park premiered at London's Royal Court Theatre in August 2010, then transferred to the West End's Wyndham's Theatre the following year. The play is a satirical comedy written by playwright Bruce Norris about the politics of race and housing and was described by the Guardian as 'the funniest play of the year' and is considered on of the most important plays of the 21st Century.
Sohie Thompson starred as Bev, a mother who has tragically lost her son. She and her husband Russ (Steffan Rhodri - Royal Court/Stuart McQuarrie - Wyndhams) decide to sell their home in the white middle class Chicago neighbourhood of Clybourne Park and move to the suburbs. However controversy and arguments follow when it is revealed that the family buying their house are black. The second act of the play is set 50 years later when Clybourne Park has become an all-black neighbourhood which is now gentrifying and a white couple plan to buy and extend the house, causing fighting and racial tensions to surface again. In Act 2 Sophie played Kathy, the lawyer representing the white couple. Stephen Campbell Moore played Karl in the Wyndhams Theatre production, a man with questionable morals who tries to persuade Russ and Bev not to sell to 'coloured' people for fear of bringing down the neighbourhood. In the second act he played Steve, who together with his wife plan to buy and renovate the house in the newly gentrifying neighbourhood.
It won Best New Play at the 2011 Olivier Awards and Best Play at the 2012 Tony Awards. Sophie Thompson was nominated for an Olivier Award.