BBC spy action thriller series which ran for 4 seasons which tells the story of a female assassin, Villanelle, and an MI6 operative, Eve, whose lives are inextricable linked in a fierce game of cat and mouse. Winner of multiple awards including an Emmy, a Golden Globe and two BAFTAs.
Starring Jodie Comer as Vilanelle, Sandra Oh as Eve and Fiona Shaw as MI6 chief Carolyn Martens.
In the first three seasons, Sean Delaney starred as MI6 team member Kenny, who is later revealed to be Carolyn's son. Gemma Whelan starred in Series 3 as Carolyn's daughter Geraldine. Imogen Daines played Carolyn in her younger years in Series 4.
Arian Nik had a small role as Jay in Series 2.