ITV's new crime thriller series 'The Suspect' premieres on Monday night (29th August). Anjli Mohindra stars as a young detective, DS Riya Devi, who is tasked with uncovering the truth behind the death of a young woman. Aidan Turner (Poldark) stars as clinical psychologist Doctor Joe O'Loughlin who is brought in to profile the killer. However as the investigation develops the team begin to suspect that O'Loughlin's perfect life is not quite what it seems and that he has something to hide.
The show will also star Shaun Parkes as veteran police officer DI Vincent Ruiz, who is the chief investigator on the case opposite DS Devi. Imogen Daines also appears regularly in the 5-part series playing Detective Sarah Wallis, another member of the investigative team.
Anjli has revealed she researched real life murder cases as part of her preparation for the role saying, "I focused in on what it would feel like to be a woman dealing with a case like this – with the Sarah Everard case and Sabina Nessa… I mean, we all know how it feels to be a woman in this country or on this planet at the moment with things like that happening. It was nice that we got to play those moments where you see how a woman police officer would react to a crime like that."
The show is produced by World Productions, the same team behind the BBC hit series 'Vigil' and 'Line of Duty'. It is based on the novel by Michael Robotham.
The first episode premiered as an exclusive preview at the Soho Hotel in London last month. Watch the trailer now.
Anjli Mohindra and Imogen Daines are available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents. Click their images for their profile pages and voiceover showreels.