Janet Kumah plays therapist Gloria in the new Nick Love film ‘Marching Powder’ which is released in cinemas tomorrow

Janet Kumah plays therapist Gloria in the new Nick Love film ‘Marching Powder’ which is released in cinemas tomorrow

Marching Powder, from British director Nick Love, is released in cinemas nationwide tomorrow, Friday 7th March. 

The film stars Danny Dyer as Jack Jones, an ageing, drug-taking football hooligan, who is given six weeks to turn his life around, or else face a long spell in prison.  Described by Dyer as a "working class love story" the film also features Janet Kumah as therapist Gloria, who is brought in to help Jack and his wife Dani to repair their marriage and keep their family together. 

Watch the trailer

Janet Kumah is available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents.  Click her image for her profile page and voiceover showreel. 

Featured Voiceover Artists

Janet Kumah
30s-40s, Neutral, London, Ghanaian, African

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