Time travelling thriller series The Lazarus Project is released in the USA tonight on TNT.
Anjli Mohindra stars in the show as Archie, an MI5 secret agent who recruits Pappa Essediu's character George into the secret organisation. The Lazarus Project is a secret government team which has the power to turn back time when catastrophic events unfold in order to save the world from extinction.
The show was released on Sky in the UK last year with reviewers calling it "gripping, fun and stylish...stuffed with good performances, knotty problems and compelling enough to keep us coming back for more" (The Guardian), "one of the most inventive time-travel shows I’ve seen in years" (Radio Times) and "a watch that’s worth the ride" (Metro).
Anjli Mohindra is available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents. Click her image for her profiile page and voiceover showreel.