ITV's 5 part crime drama 'The Suspect' will reach its dramatic conclusion at 9pm on Monday night (26th September). The suspenseful series follows veteran police officer DI Vincent Ruiz and his partner DS Riya Devi, played by Anjli Mohindra, as they try to unravel who killed a young nurse and buried her in a shallow grave in a London graveyard. Aidan Turner (Poldark) stars as clinical psychologist Doctor Joe O'Loughlin who is the chief suspect in the case.
Imogen Daines plays Detective Sarah Wallis, another key member of the investigation team.
The show is produced by World Productions, the same team behind the BBC hit series 'Vigil' and 'Line of Duty'. It is based on the novel by Michael Robotham. All previous episodes are available on ITV Hub.
Anjli Mohindra and Imogen Daines are available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents. Click their images for their profile pages and voiceover showreels.