Showtrial is the highly anticipated new drama from World Productions, the makers of Vigil, Line of Duty and Bodyguard. Celine Buckens stars as Talitha Campbell, the 'rude and entitled' daughter of a wealthy property developer who is charged with murder when her fellow university student is found dead. The series follows the media storm and gripping court case that ensues, putting the victim, the accused and their families into the spotlight. Tracy Ifeachor stars alongside her as the duty solicitor who Talitha insists upon retaining as her defence lawyer, refusing offers of help from her father.
When interviewed about her character, Celine said "She is privileged, brassy, riles people and rubs them up the wrong way, especially the detective leading the investigation which is pretty dangerous, but she’s also really funny. The complexity in which she’s written; she is unfiltered which is quite rare to see in life and on screen, a combination of humour and provocation".
The five-part drama will premiere on Sunday 31st October at 9pm on BBC One and iPlayer.
Watch the trailer here.
Celine is available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents, click her image for her profile page & voiceover showreel.