Jonathan Ajayi stars in the second series of Vigil which starts 9pm on Sunday night on BBC One

Jonathan Ajayi stars in the second series of Vigil which starts 9pm on Sunday night on BBC One

A second series of Vigil starts this weekend, but this time the investigation centres around the skies rather than underwater. 

Suranne Jones returns as DCI Amy Da Silva who is brought in to investigate the deaths of several officers at an RAF aircraft base in Scotland, after a drone exercise goes wrong. 

Jonathan Ajayi stars in the new series as Wes Harper, the technical lead on a high-tech drone development programme within the Royal Airforce. 

The first series of the show was one of the biggest TV hits of 2021, winning an International Emmy Award as well as a BAFTA. nomination.  It was based on a military submarine and also starred Lorne MacFadyen and Anjli Mohindra

Catch the new series at 9pm on Sunday night, 10th December, on BBC One. 

Jonathan Ajayi is available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents.  Click his image for his profile page and voiceover showreel. 

Featured Voiceover Artists

Jonathan Ajayi
20s, London, M.L.E., Neutral, Nigerian, African, West African

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