The highly anticipated comedy series is directed by Oscar, Grammy and BAFTA winning filmmaker Taika Waititi and tells the true story of 18th Century landowner Stede Bonnet who gave up a successful career in law to become a 'gentleman' pirate.
Nathan Foad stars in the series as bookish pirate Lucius, the only member of the crew who can read and write, who was hired as Stede's personal scribe to diarise his pirate adventure for posterity. Initially he seems ill-prepared to survive such a tough lifestyle, but his sneaky, underhand side saves his bacon on a number of occasions.
As well as directing, Taika Waititi also stars in the show as the infamous Captain Blackbeard, alongside Rhys Darby who plays Stede Bonnet.
The 10 episode series will be available to stream on HBO Max from Thursday 3rd March. Coming to the UK soon. Watch the trailer here.
Nathan Foad is a TV writer, comedian and actor who is available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents. Click his image for his profile page and voiceover showreel.