Nathan’s semi-autobiographical TV show set in his home town of Newark is his first commission for Gold. It follows the lives of chip shop manager and exhausted mum Maxine, her son who has recently come out as gay (to no one's surprise) and her desperate ex-husband who tries everything to win her back. The show will capture some of the ridiculous things that go on in a small town.
The show will premiere tonight, Monday 28th March at 9pm on Gold.
Morgana Robinson will star in the lead role of Maxine, with Mathew Horne playing the part of her ex-husband Terry. Nina Wadia also stars and Nathan appears in the show as Rowan, who works in Newark's only bowling alley. When he catches Leslie and Amber trying to find the perfect store cupboard in which to lose their virginity, he commits himself to becoming the world’s worst Gay Spirit Guide.
Nathan spoke of the show saying "It’s largely based around the relationship that I have with my mum and both my parents are so happy that’s it’s being made and are very excited". He added, "It is easy to forget that you grew up somewhere. That’s why I have always been inspired to return to do this. It’s a dream come true. It’s something I’ve always been inspired to do — I always knew that I’d come home."
Executive producer Dave Evans commented, "Making Nathan's first series is a pleasure and a privilege with scripts as extraordinary as our cast".
Watch the trailer here.
Writer, actor and comedian Nathan Foad is available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents. Click on his image for his profile page and voiceover showreel.