Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard McLean return with their annual All Killa No Filla Christmas Special show. Their Christmas show has become a yearly tradition of "slagging off a murderer and getting distracted", which takes place this year at Birmingham's Glee Club.
The show's write up promises a "chat about a right wrong ‘un who would have definitely have been on the naughty list...join Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard McLean as they talk about a right jingle bellend and have a right laugh doing it."
All Killa No Filla is the hit podcast hosted by Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard McLean which takes a remarkably un-salacious yet deeply amusing dive into the weird and macabre world of serial killers and murderers and they have a right laugh whilst doing it. The result is a delicate balancing act between tactful handling of a delicate topic and comedy podcasting at its finest.
They will be performing the show twice, at 5.30pm and 9pm. The late show is sold out but tickets are still available for the early show.
Manchester comedian Rachel Fairburn is available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents. Click her image for her profile page and voiceover showreel.