The new 8-part horror comedy follows 38 year old Natasha who unexpectedly finds herself the carer of a baby who turns out to be controlling, manipulative and ultimately murderous. Despite her best efforts to get rid of the baby, she finds it impossible to free herself from him.
Genesis Lynea plays the recurring role of Sam, a magician and the partner of Natasha's younger sister Bobbi, who are deperately trying to adopt a baby. Genesis's character first appears in episode 3 and it quickly becomes apparent that she isn't as keen on the idea of motherhood as Bobbi, vanishing on the day of their first meeting with the adoption social worker.
The Guardian has described the show as 'very funny' and iNews calls it 'standout'.
The show is a joint production between HBO and Sky. Previously only available on HBO in the US, the series is now available to stream in full on Sky Atlantic and NOW.
Genesis Lynea is best known for roles in Silent Witness, Shadow and Bone and playing Anna of Cleves in the original production of the musical Six. She is available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents. Click her image for her profile page and voiceover showreel.