Netflix's new superhero drama series will star Tosin Cole as the lead, Michael Lasaki. The series has recently finished filming in and around South London and follows 5 Black South Londoners who unexpectedly develop superpowers. They have nothing in common except they are all Black and all from South London.
The series has been created by pioneering rapper-turned-filmmaker Rapman who will also direct the show. He revealed that Michael is a “van driver, an everyday working man, who’s deep in love” with Dionne, played by Adelayo Adedayo. Rapman describes his characters as “ordinary people who wear their everyday clothes and grow over time.” Further, elaborating, “Put it this way: we’ve got all the powers you can get in Marvel, and they come to South London. As much as I love Marvel and DC you know it’s going to work out in the end but in our story you just don’t know what’s going to happen because it’s a grounded superpowers show. They are hero characters but they’re all very flawed."
Rapman is known for Blue Story, his critically-acclaimed 2019 film, told through the medium of rap, which starred Top Boy’s Michael Ward, who won his BAFTA Rising Star Award for his role in the film. Blue Story also won an NME Award for Best Film (and a Best Actor Award for Ward). This is his first TV project and makes him the first Black person to create, write and direct his own show on Netflix.
Tosin Cole has starred in a string of major TV shows & films including 'Till', '61st Street' and 'Doctor Who' and will also star in the highly anticipated new film 'Girl from the North County' based on the Olivier Award winning West End/Broadway musical of the same name.
No release date has been revealed yet for Supacell, but it is expected to be out in late 2023. However an inside-look video has been released which gives us a glimpse of the action.
Tosin Cole is available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents. Click his image for his profile page and voiceover showreel.