Amy Gledhill and Chris Cantrill, AKA The Delightful Sausage, launch their brand new Radio 4 comedy series next week. The semi-improvised show 'Icklewick FM' is set in a dysfunctional, fictional, northern radio station, which has become a soap box for the oddballs, big heads and concerned mums of a modern British post-industrial town.
The 6-part series has been chosen by the Radio Times as their 'Pick of the Week', predicting that it will be "one of the best comedies of 2024". The show has us laughing at the endeavours that local radio presenters go to make something out of nothing, with the first episode focussing on the sighting in Icklewick of a tall man.
Tune in to Radio 4 next Tuesday, 23rd January at 11pm to listen. Also available on BBC Sounds after broadcast. Find out more.
Amy Gledhill and Chris Cantrill are available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents. Click their images for their profile pages and voiceover showreels.