Consent is Channel 4's "electric" new drama, set in an elite private school where the lines of sexual consent are dangerously blurred. The drama unfolds as Natalie, a black, working class girl who attends the school on a bursary, accuses wealthy white boy Archie of raping her at a party and sharing the video with his friends.
Elen Rhys plays Archie's mum Fiona, who is accrimoniously separated from his father and in a relationship with a much younger man, much to Archie's disgust.
Reviewers have praised the one-off drama, with The Evening Standard calling it "a searing commentary that couldn’t come at a more opportune moment", going on to advise, "miss it at your peril". The Guardian describes it as "a flinching new drama....a carefully told story, delivered by an excellent young cast".
Consent airs on Channel 4 at 10pm tonight, 7th February, and is also available on All4. Watch the trailer.
Welsh actress Elen Rhys is available for voiceovers from Anthea Represents. Click her image for her profile page and voiceover showreel.