Northern Accent

Browse northern accent voiceover artists

In the interest of inclusivity, for now we’ve decided to reverse the alphabetic order of our artists. Feel free to flip the order if this is not helpful!

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Tom Andrews
Neutral, London, Cockney, RP, Manchester, Northern, Multiple, British American
Kieran Bew
Teesside, North East, Northern, Newcastle, Neutral, Northern Irish
Tom Christian
London, Neutral, Liverpool, Multiple, Cockney, Northern, Thames Estuary
Morven Christie
Glaswegian, Scottish, Neutral, Northern, RP, Manchester
Sacha Dhawan
Manchester, Northern, Indian, West Midlands, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, South Asian
Rachel Fairburn
Manchester, Northern
Michelle Greenidge
London, Neutral, Northern, Jamaican, Nigerian, African, Caribbean
Adam Hugill
Yorkshire, Northern, RP, Neutral
Amy James- Kelly
Northern, Lancashire, Manchester, Yorkshire, Neutral, Multiple
Josh Jones
Manchester, Northern
Norah Lopez-Holden
Manchester, Northern, Lancashire, Spanish, European
Geoff McGivern
Neutral, RP, Northern, Yorkshire, Liverpool, Multiple
Sapphire McIntosh
Leeds, Yorkshire, Northern
David Morrissey
Liverpool, Northern, British American
Arian Nik
Leeds, Yorkshire, Northern, Iranian, Arabic
Chloe Pirrie
Scottish, Neutral, RP, Northern, British American
Eva Pope
Northern, Lancashire, Neutral, RP, Multiple
Charlotte Riley
Teesside, North East, RP, Neutral, Northern
Claire Rushbrook
Neutral, Thames Estuary, Northern
Narinder Samra
West Midlands, Birmingham, Indian, Multiple, Northern, South Asian
Darci Shaw
Liverpool, Northern, Neutral
John Simm
Neutral, Northern, Lancashire, Multiple
Sharon Small
Scottish, Glaswegian, Northern, Neutral
Ian Smith
Yorkshire, Northern
Paddy Wallace
Northern, Cheshire, Lancashire, Multiple, British American