
Browse voiceover artists who have alluring style

In the interest of inclusivity, for now we’ve decided to reverse the alphabetic order of our artists. Feel free to flip the order if this is not helpful!

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Bisi Akins
London, M.L.E., Nigerian, African, West African
Lydia Rose Bewley
Neutral, RP, East Midlands
Laura Checkley
Cockney, London, Multiple, Essex, Thames Estuary
Morven Christie
Glaswegian, Scottish, Neutral, Northern, RP, Manchester
Sophie Cookson
Neutral, RP
Sylvia De Fanti
Italian, French, American
Laura Donnelly
Northern Irish, Belfast, Neutral, RP, Multiple, Scottish
Sharon Duncan-Brewster
London, Cockney, M.L.E., Neutral, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaican, Caribbean, British American
Ouidad Elma
French, Moroccan Arabic, European, Arabic
Dujonna Gift
Neutral, London, British American, Caribbean, Jamaican
Dinita Gohil
Birmingham, Neutral, RP, Indian, South Asian, West Midlands
Mara Huf
American, Neutral, RP, Southern States American, German, European
Siena Kelly
Neutral, Thames Estuary, London, M.L.E.
Mimî M. Khayisa
Neutral, RP, South African
Genesis Lynea
Neutral, London, RP, Bermudian, American, Mid Atlantic, M.L.E., Caribbean
T'Nia Miller
Neutral, RP, London, Cockney, Jamaican, British American, Caribbean
Eva Pope
Northern, Lancashire, Neutral, RP, Multiple
Miranda Raison
Neutral, RP, French, British American, Scottish, European
Charlotte Riley
Teesside, North East, RP, Neutral, Northern
Jessye Romeo
Neutral, RP, M.L.E., Antiguan, Caribbean, London
Sharon Small
Scottish, Glaswegian, Northern, Neutral
Ella Smith
Neutral, RP, West Country, Welsh, British American, Multiple, Thames Estuary
Sophia Thakur
London, Neutral
Dominique Tipper
London, M.L.E., Cockney, British American, Neutral, South African, African
Lydia West
Neutral, London, RP, British American